Community Service
Community consciousness is one of Neimeth’s core values. To this end, Neimeth as a good corporate citizen, has from the early sixties till date engaged in various community based welfare programmes that confirm its dedication to community welfare. The company has contributed significantly in helping to control worm infection via numerous free deworming schemes and has also deployed sanitation/ hygiene and diverse health educational strategies to reduce overall health cost through education.

One of such health educational strategies is Pyrantrin Kids Club. It is a health educational club for children aged 4-13 years. This is because children have been proved to be the main transmission link in worms infection.
Membership is spread across the 36 states, and is 100,000 strong presently. It has numerous enviable membership benefits like birthday cards, scholarships, etc. Membership strength, it is expected, would hit a million by the end of 2010.
Other community health educational programmes include “The Insidious Epidemic” (This enlightens Nigerians on the dangers of hypertension and diabetes and useful tips on ways to remedy them). The programme also involves free blood pressure and diabetes screening.
Associated with this programme is the Stress Management Programme for Executives (SMAPEX) in which we emphasise the need for deliberate stress control by busy executives to minimize the risk of exposure to insidious diseases like hypertension, diabetes etc.
The challenges and threats posed by the endemicity of malaria in our communities in Nigeria are well known. MALATROL Roll Back Malaria Programme (RBM) has been specially designed to take care of this problem, considering that malaria is responsible to 10% of children’s death in hospitals and accounts for high mortality rate in pregnant women at an estimated 40%.
Malnutrition results in mental and physical development of 1 out of 3 children in developing countries like Nigeria. NUTRISOL is a partnership initiative to provide rational solution to this growing problem at reduced cost; thereby improving health, welfare and nutritional status of every family in Nigeria and giving tremendous visibility to government with attendant socio-political benefits..

NEIMETH ‘s focus on indigenous research into drugs and medicaments for common African disease ailments led to the discovery and launch of CIKLAVIT, a nutritional supplement for the management of Sickle Cell disease. Consequent upon this, a well orchestrated public enlightenment/advocacy machinery was established by the company to handle issues on sickle cell disease. Its activities include facilitation of the setting up of Sickle Cell Clubs in Local Government Areas across Nigeria, facilitating the management of these Clubs in collaboration with other NGOs, demystification of the disease among rural communities as well as counselling of young and single people before marriage.
NEIMETH has also put her technical expertise at the service of State Governments in the area of “Drug Revolving Fund (DRF)” management to ensure greater mileage in quality and reach of such State health programmes. Some State are beneficiaries of this medicare enhancement programme.
The focus and cost effectiveness of these enlightenment and advocacy programmes make them most beneficial to the recipients and gives the highest visibility to government health programmes at highly subsidized rates.
Neimeth has also offered numerous scholarships to children and students alike. Her community welfare activities also involve sponsorship of numerous NGOs, Schools, Churches, Overseas fellowships, Professional travel, medical treatment for individuals, course/seminar sponsorship among others.